For me, it's personal


Carole Freeman, B.S. RRT, Breathing Specialist

My formal training and background have been equal portions of Respiratory Therapy, Exercise Physiology and Massage Therapy. Received my bachelor’s degree at Redlands University. My career began as Respiratory Therapist at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Having no medical experience whatsoever until that time, I was shocked to discover most adult patients were in the hospital because of poor lifestyle choices. That inspired me to attend graduate school at LLUMC majoring in Health Sciences.

I now focus my work in a relatively new field of pulmonary medicine - Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders.

I have found that each day I was mindful of my breathing pattern, I gained more energy, and my breathing became easier. It felt like I was turning the clock back as I continued to gain strength and endurance.

Breath-Taking Online is a school that encompasses the entire field of this branch of medicine. For me, learning to breathe again wasn’t just academic, it became very personal. It’s my mission now, to share this information, along with my background, to help others breathe easier and feel healthier too.

This course includes:
  • 1 hour on-demand video


  • Exercises and Acrivities

  • Access on mobile
